Call of the Wild
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I was part off a pirate crew..

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I was part off a pirate crew.. Empty I was part off a pirate crew..

Post by Guest Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:12 am

Hi, I'm Black-Pearl and this is my story. Normal horses are born in a stable or in the wild, well not me. I was born on a ship, a pirate ship excactly. My mother and father where stolen from a farmer in a village nearby the reindeer rivers. The pirates from the ship used my mother and father on the land so they can steal fast and get back on the ship. Pirates aren't the most lovely people as we know, we didn't have good circumstances. My mother, father and me actually lived in a wooden box on the deck off the ship. The box was attached to the ship so we wouldn't fall off. The didn't muck out the box often. One night the pirates were heading to land. They were going to steel gold from the mines. They grabbed my mother and father and went on the land. I needed to wait for them to come back. One off the pirates grabbed a rope and took me with him from the ship. He tied me to a tree. I was eating the grass while waiting for everyone to get back. When suddenly the village people came. They had torches with them and they set the ship on fire. I was in panic and luckely my mom and dad got away from the pirates in a panic they rushed on the ship and the whole ship was burning. My mom and dad died. One off the village people saved me and now I live with her. I'm still scared off people, I'm going to breack out and live in the wild!


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